Progress Always Involves Risk
Blue River Park Replanting with the Pure Water Partners Program
October 19, 2021
The Pure Water Partners (PWP) program welcomes community members to help replant Blue River Park on Saturday, November 6th, 2021! During the day, volunteers will help plant native trees and shrubs around the park with guidance from Pure Water Partners staff.
For this project, two shifts are available to choose from including a morning shift and an afternoon shift. To best protect our community against COVID-19, space will be limited to 20 participants per shift and volunteers will be asked to use a face covering, regardless of vaccination status, when working within 6 feet of others outside of their household.
Lunch Provided: We look forward to working with you and want to share our appreciation with you by providing volunteers with a lunch together. Lunch will take place from 12pm-1pm and all volunteers are welcome and encouraged to join!
Get Your Hands Dirty!
The event is being organized by the McKenzie River Trust and PWP project managers will be participating as crew leads for the event. We hope to see lots of landowners and community members from the Blue River area there. If you or someone you know from the community would like to participate in the event, please register via the green button below. No experience is necessary and all tools will be provided to you! This is a family-friendly event.
Where: Blue River Park
Contact: Elizabeth Goward, McKenzie River Trust
Shift Details: Morning Shift, 9am-12pm – Afternoon Shift, 1pm-4pm